How do you choose the assessment activities?. The video above explains us using four important questions. So at this point, it is very remarkable to understand assessment means collecting information about learner's performance, progress in order to make judgements about their learning. Besides, as future english teachers we must know that there are two kind of assess students. We can apply the formal or informal. But they differ one and other about features like: tasks, purpose and marking.
In my personal opinion I think that both assessments are very important to apply in the learning due to these provide us information about specific areas of the students.Another thing is that both have advantages and disadvantages for example the formal gives us reliable results and in this way we can measure if students understood or not a text for example while informal presents activities that can help students to produce the target language.
To sum up, how do we choose assessment activities? it depends on the teacher, what the teacher wants to measure focusing on the learning objectives of their lesson plan. This is the key point. Choose the right assessment activities in order to accomplish the lesson plan's objectives focusing on the students needs, level and background.
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